No on PROP D for San Diego

October 18, 2010 1:01 pm Published by

Looks like the loony liberal media has got a hold of an interview I did about Prop D last Friday and they are doing what they do best when they are done, SPIN SPIN SPIN. I love it when a man who probably lives in his Mom’s basement, probably in his undies right now tries to dig up dirt on me. So because I tell it like it is, I am somehow branded as “Joe the Plummer” ? Is that the best you got? Truth is, Prop D is going DOWN like Junior Seau’s SUV off the cliff this morning ( sorry Junior ) but Taxes are the real issue and we have had enough! November will be a bloodbath for you Libs and I will celebrate the next Day with a Victory Cigar when D is defeated. The phony scare tactics Landsdown used on SD was pathetic and most of SD saw right thru. Yay Voice of SD for getting the word out about Liberalism.


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This post was written by Manny Marin